Now Look I have talked so much about my self owning a plumbing business and how hard it can be. Um yes its hard but its also hard telling people how it is sometimes. Look I will tell you right now I would say almost "Every" contractor is screwing you over in one way or the other, I promise you this another reason why I write, its all about the customer to me. I have now taken over a Sacramento Plumbing Business and actually turned this plumbing business from a 5k a month plumbing business to a 200k a month Sacramento Plumbing Service business and I will tell you this it was all good in the beginning but when I realized this plumbing company did not care about servicing customers and only wanted the big ticket!! Well lets just say its hard to stay here. I mean look I love my job and this is why I can write to you & tell you how I feel and give you plumbing knowledge at the same time. I will tell you this I have some big ones though. Though I do love what I do at this Plumbing & HVAC company and love growing it but, me I'm about the customer and at my plumbing business and having different employees that were bad seed make me look bad and it happening over and over again well to me was tiring. Now I will also say this I can now hide in my bubble and watch bad plumbing technicians do the same thing but I don't have to worry any more "I'm not the owner & I get paid good so just ignore it" Well I do not enjoy it as a matter of fact its bothering now and I'm writing on Thanks Giving Day, so what does that tell you?? Switch Plumbing Companies?? No not going to do that I am a "Sacramento Plumbing Manager" and I would not be able to run freely and write to you! So I know you had to here this on a DIY Sacramento, "Plumbing Manager" Tankless VS. Gas Water Heater article but yes I want you to follow me but I also want to show a Customer the kind of person I am. So if you ever are looking for a local plumbing Sacramento Plumbing company see our link and aks for Ryan Murray I can help you get the fair price on any plumbing job big or small. Ok so Tankless Water Heater VS Standard Water Heater time.
Tankless Water Heater Vs. Hot Water Heater in Sacramento, Ca
Look I will "NOT" talk about this long because like I said I have been a Sacramento plumbing owner for over 10 years and obviously 25 year florished plumber but also probabaly one of the fastest, hardest working, and most honest plumber you will ever find. Especially owning a plumbing business and watching my Plumbing business go to the sewer because of bad employees. Look everybody is money hungry and I was too but not any more!! Number I number one realized it's the little customer that counts but its about helping the customer not screwing them. I love the feeling of helping people and thats why I do love my job. Look enough about me a Tankless Water Heater Installation VS Traditional Hot Water Heater well I will go with the standard hot water heater every time. Look as a expieranced plumber and a Sacramento Plumbing owner I will tell you this.Plumbing owners go for the tankless vs traditional water heaters for the money upgrade
Customers complain about the cold water spirts they get when taking a shower
Parts in the Tankless Water Heater go bad
Takes longer to get hot water
The Price
More call backs then any other plumbing job
"Not Worth The Money"
I would rather see you spend the money on a bigger water heater and a recirculatory pump to get better results
I promise what I say !! If you have more questions go to and ask a question & I will answer.
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